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At Beautique, we understand that natural healthy nails are what you look for. With a wide range of home care products, you can keep the effects of your hand or foot treatment going long after you leave our salon.


TheGelBottle (TGB)

TGB Toes

Express Gel Toes

Toenails shaped and filed. Finished with TGB paint

— £39.00 —


Luxury Gel Pedicure

This state-of-the-art pedicure system cleanses and exfoliates dry, dull skin cells and rejuvenates skin to a healthier, softer condition. Cuticles will be groomed and your toenails will be beautifully shaped and perfectly finished with TGB paint.

— £53.50 —


TGB Removal


Professional TGB Removal

 Includes soak off, shape & nourish

— £15.00 —​


Regular Toe Nails

Since our feet are the most neglected part of the body, Jessica has combined the healing therapy of Zen, which uses aromatherapy and natural botanicals, and western technology to revive and pamper. Enjoy our ZenSpa journey. Please remember to bring open toe shoes.

Express Polish Toes

Nails are shaped, treated and finished with your choice of nail colour.

— £26.00 —


Luxury Pedicure

This state-of-the-art pedicure system cleanses and exfoliates dry, dull skin cells and rejuvenates skin to a healthier, softer condition. Cuticles will be groomed and your toenails will be beautifully shaped and perfectly polished.

— £46.00 — (45 min)


Callus Peel

This unique treatment takes off layers of cracked and

hard skin leaving your heels soft and smooth.

It is painless, effective and leaves the feet super smooth.

A course of three is recommended to get the best effect

Callus peel

— £32.00 —

Callus peel and Express Polish Toes

— £57.00 —


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